Start the ski season a little earlier...
By producing snow during the coldiest period of the year - january -
and then storing it under an isolating cover to the next season, we
can start skiing here almost a month earlier then else had been
possible. To do this some equipment and arrangements must be
Next step...
Here is a short description of how this is done at Skidstadion.
1. The snow is produced by snow guns. The snow guns are feed
with a lot of water of low temperature and electricity. The water is
sprinkled under high pressure in the form of very tiny drops out into
the cold surroundings and freezes to snow at once. The snow
builds an enormous heap.
2. The heap is then covered with a thick layer of sawdust. This layer
will greatly lessen the melting process during the warmer summer
3. The heap is watched during the warm period.
4. Then when the time for preparing the new trails has come,
normally in the end of October, the isolation is removed.
5. Now during a few days the snow is transported by trucks out
along the trails and machines spreads and harden the trails.
6. Normally this results in a more than 3 kilometre track already
around the 1:st of November. Crucial factors are of course the
weather and soil temperature.
7. There after the trails are prepared almost every day.
From season start 2009-11-01